Supreme Painting

Suprematist Composition, 1916 by Kazimir Malevich

During the closing ceremonies of the Olympics in Sochi last night, reference was made to Ukrainian artist Kazimir Malevich, but not much else was said about him. He is one of the most important artists of the 20th century, less famous than Picasso, but no less important. This is considered to be one of the most important pieces of 20th century art and in his treatise of 1916 Malevich explained that he wanted to concentrate on color and texture and to move beyond traditional representation.

Bringing the Modern to Tradition

The Modern Song

(Modan bushi

) by

K. Kotani,

1930. (Detail.)

The Japan Society

(Credit: Exhibition organized and circulated by Art Services International, Alexandria, Va.)

The Japan Society

is currently hosting an exhibition of Japanese art from the

Art Deco

period. The work presented shows us a country working to combine tradition with the modern western world whose influence had been felt in Japan for a while, but whose culture was only then beginning to be adapted. This can be seen most prominently in the depiction of the Japanese version of the


or modern early 20th century woman, who was up-ending society in the west, as well.

The exhibition runs through June 10th at the

Japan Society, NYC
