A Gold Star for Cleveland

A large detail of Louis Grebenak's WBOE mural, which awaits installation at ideastream in downtown Cleveland.
There is an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer today about a series of WPA murals that were saved from destruction by an art history teacher from Cleveland State University named Walter Leedy, who unfortunately did not live to see the results of his efforts. Much of the thanks goes as well to the ICA Art Conservation of Cleveland and to the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA). The artwork has been displayed around Cleveland, including on the campus at Cleveland State who leased two of the murals.

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

Sadly, this plan which would make travel easier along the I-80 corridor and offer an alternative to cars, has been shelved in OH, but continues to gain footing in MI and IL. Then OH will have to play catch-up instead of being ahead of the game. The poster is the thing that caught my eye. It recalls the WPA travel posters of the past. Could not find a credit for who designed it, does anyone know?