Happy Birthday Gustave

Fruit Displayed on a Stand by Gustave Caillebotte, 1881-2, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Caillebotte existed on the fringes of the Impressionist group, as he was both a benefactor and a member of the group. He was a painter himself, but lived as a lawyer, solider, and engineer. He did not adhere closely to the painting by light and loose brush strokes of the Impressionists and his work belies his realistic-style training, however, he allowed enough of the looser, less studied style of the Impressionists to enter his work, that it was given a lightness, that more realistic work lacks.

Even in death he supported the Impressionists, leaving his vast collection to the French Government on the condition that it be displayed, not stored away. The artists and their work had not yet been embraced by the French people, and the government and they rejected that condition, but ended up accepting a portion of the work which they did display, making it the first time the artists of the group were displayed in a government exhibition.

A Jewel Within a Jewel

Sainte-Chapelle, 1242-48, Paris, Ile-de-France 

Built by King Louis IX as a Royal Chapel, this piece of Gothic architecture has been likened to an larger-than-life jewel in its own box. King Louis purchased a highly sought after relic, the crown of thorns purportedly worn by Jesus and wanted the finest reliquary he could get so he had this chapel built with 6,458 square feet of stained glass windows.